
„Impfen schützt“ – eine BZgA, BVKJ, DGPI, PEI und RKI Initiative


Tobias Tenenbaum

CV of Tobias Tenenbaum
Personal Data
Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Department of Pediatrics
University Hospital Mannheim, Heidelberg University
Theodor-Kutzer Ufer 1-3
68167 Mannheim
Phone: 0049-621-383-2324
Fax: 0049-621-383-3818
E-mail: Tobias.Tenenbaum@umm.de
DOB 13. August 1973 in Offenbach
2 daughters, 1 son


University education
10/1993-5/2000 Medicine at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
Final examination (final mark): 1,66
02.12.2001 Approbation
Work/Study experience abroad
10/1996 – 9/1997 Study at the University of Nottingham/ United Kingdom
3/1997 Final Medical Examination at the University of Nottingham, UK
12/1999-2/2000 Mount Sinai Medical School, New York, USA
2001 „Protective Effect of nitric oxide at the alveolo-epithelial barrier
under oxidative stress“
Grade: Magna cum laude
1/2010 Venia legendi in Pediatrics
Topic: „Cellular and molecular mechanisms of bacterial
interaction with the blood-brain and the blood-CSF barrier in
6/2000-3/2008 Clinic for General Pediatrics, Heinrich-Heine-University,
Research Focus: Pediatric Infectious Diseases
5/2005-4/2007 Pediatric Infectious Diseases Fellowship of the German Society
of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (DGPI)
Diploma „Pediatric Infectious Diseases Specialist according to a
european curriculum“
10/2007 Consultant in Pediatrics
2/2008 Specialist „Infectious Diseases“
Since 11/2008 Head Pediatric Infectious Diseases Unit,
Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital Mannheim
Senior Physician (Oberarzt)
1/2010 Vena legendi/ Habilitation (PhD)
Topic: „Cellular and molecular mechanisms of the bacteria
interaction with the blood-brain and the blood-CSF barrier in
9/2012 Specialist „Pediatric Pneumology“
1/2013 Appointment to Professor in Pediatrics
Medical Societies

European Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID)
German Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (DGPI)
German Society of Pediatrics (DGKJ)
German Society of Pulmonology (GPP)

since 4/2011 Board member of the German Society of Pediatric Infectious
since 06/2011 Treasurer of the European Society for Pediatric Infectious
2003 Poster-Award: „Role of the Fibrinogenreceptor FbsA and the
hemolysin in the pathogenesis of group B streptococcus
German Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Annual Congress 2003
2004 Junior Research Support Award 2004 from the German Society
of Pediatric Infectious Disease (DGPI) for the project:
„Investigation of the role of dexamethasone and antioxidants on
porcine choroids plexus barrier function after bacterial
2005 Best Presentation: „Disruption of the blood-CSF barrier, role of
pharmacological intervention“.
Deutsche German Society of Pediatrics
Annual Congress 2005
2006 Best Presentation: „Investigation of the bacterial translocation
across the blood-CSF barrier in an inverted Transwell filter
German Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Annual
Congress 2006
2009 Young Investigator Award of the European Society of Pediatric
Infectious Diseases (ESPID)
Research abroad
2004 Research at the Theodor Kocher-Institute Bern, Switzerland
(Prof. Britta Engelhardt).
Research funding
TE 653/2-1
03/2009 – 02/2011
“Investigation of cellular and molecular mechanisms of
bacterial and leukocyte transmigration through the blood-CSF
barrier in vitro” (together with H. Schroten)
TE 653/2-2
03/2011 – 02/2013 (continued grant)
EU-Horizon 2020 675619 – BtRAIN – H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015
start 09/2015-08/2018
EU-Horizon 2020 701088-AutoPilot-Dx-H2020-FTIPilot-2015-1
start 01/2016-12/2019
Other qualifications
2007 Travel medicine certificate
2008 Hygiene certificate
2009 Baden-Württemberg certificate for didactics at universities
2009 GCP certificate
Scientific Papers
F. Rose, B. Guthmann, T. Tenenbaum, L. Fink, H. A. Ghofrani, N. Weissmann, P. König, L. Ermert, G. Dahlem, J. Haenze, W. Kummer, W. Seeger and F. Grimminger. Apical, but not basolateral, endotoxin preincubation protects alveolar epithelial cells against hydrogen peroxide-induced loss of barrier function: role of nitric oxide synthesis. The Journal of Immunology 2002;169:1474-1481.
T. Tenenbaum, C. M. Kramm, H.-J. Laws, W. Nürnberger, H.-G. Lenard, U. Göbel. Pre-eruptive varicella zoster virus encephalitis in two children after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Journal of Medical and Pediatric Oncology. 2002; 38:288-289.
U. Spiekerkoetter, T. Tenenbaum, A. Heusch, U. Wendel. Cardiomyopathy and pericardial effusion in infancy point to a fatty acid b-oxidation defect after exclusion of an underlying infection. Pediatric Cardiology 2003;24:295-297.
L. Müller, C. M. Kramm, T. Tenenbaum, R. Wessalowski, U. Göbel. Treatment of vincristine-induced bilateral ptosis with pyridoxine and pyridostigmine. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2004;42:287-288.
T. Tenenbaum, C. Hasan, C. M. Kramm, G. Janssen, H.-J. Laws, R. Wessalowski, U. Bode, and U. Göbel. Oncological management of pediatric cancer patients belonging to Jehovah´s Witnesses: A two-institutional experience report. Onkologie. 2004;27:131-137.
R. Adam, T. Tenenbaum, P. Valentin-Weigand, M. Laryea, B. Schwahn, S. Angelow, H.-J. Galla, Horst Schroten. Porcine choroid plexus epithelial cells induce Streptococcus suis bacteriostasis in vitro. Infection and Immunity 2004;72:3084-3087.
T. Tenenbaum. A. Heusch, B. Henrich, C. R. MacKenzie, K.-G. Schmidt, H. Schroten. Acute hemorrhagic pericarditis in a child with pneumonia due to Chlamydophila pneumoniae.Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 2005;43:520-522.
T. Tenenbaum, I. Eggenpöhler, D. Matalon, A. Seibt, G. Novotny, R. Adam, H.-J. Galla, H. Schroten. Disruption of the blood-CSF barrier by Streptococcus suis in vitro. FEMS Medical Microbiology and Immunology. 2005;44:25-34.
T. Tenenbaum, C. Bloier, R. Adam, D. J. Reinscheid, H. Schroten. Adherence to and invasion of human brain microvascular endothelial cells is promoted by the fibrinogen-binding protein FbsA of Streptococcus agalactiae. Infection and Immunity.2005;73:4404-4409.
Tenenbaum T., F. Essmann, R.Adam, A. Seibt, R.U. Janicke, G.E. Novotny, H.J. Galla, H. Schroten. Cell death, caspase activation, and HMGB1 release of porcine choroid plexus epithelial cells during Streptococcus suis infection in vitro. Brain Research 2006;1100:1-12.
Tenenbaum T., T. Hoehn, B. Hadzik, H. Stannigel, C.R. Mackenzie, E. Mayatepek, H. Schroten. Exchange transfusion in a preterm infant with hyperbilirubinemia, staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) and sepsis. European Journal of Pediatrics 2007;166:733-735.
T. Tenenbaum. Hand-Fuß-Mund-Krankheit, Pädiatr. Prax. 2007;70:56.
Tenenbaum T., B. Spellerberg, R. Adam, M. Vogel, K.S. Kim, H. Schroten. Streptococcus agalactiae invasion of human brain microvascular endothelial cells is promoted by the laminin-binding protein Lmb. Microbes and Infection 2007;9:714-720.
Zeni P., E. Doepker, U. Schulze Topphoff, S. Huewel, T. Tenenbaum, H.J. Galla. MMPs contribute to TNF-alpha-induced alteration of the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier in vitro. American Journal of Physiology Cell Physiology 2007;293:C855-864.
Bonzel L., T. Tenenbaum, H. Schroten, H. Schildgen, S. Schweitzer-Krantz, O. Adams. Frequent Detection of Viral Coinfection in Children hospitalized with Acute Respiratory Tract Infection by a Real-Time RNA-and DNA-PCR. Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal 2008;27:589-594.
Ludwig A., O. Adams, H.J. Laws, H. Schroten, T. Tenenbaum. Quantitative detection of norovirus excretion in pediatric cancer patients with prolonged gastroenteritis and norovirus shedding. Journal of Medical Virology 2008; 80:1461-1467.
Tenenbaum T., D. Matalon, R. Adam, A. Seibt C. Wewer, C. Schwerk, H.-J. Galla, H. Schroten. Dexamethasone prevents alteration of tight junction-associated proteins and barrier function in porcine choroid plexus epithelial cells after infection with Streptococcus suis in vitro. Brain Research. 2008;1229:1-17.
Breuer C., G. Janßen, H.-J. Laws, J. Schaper, E. Mayatepek, H. Schroten, T. Tenenbaum. Splenic infarction in a patient with hereditary spherocytosis, protein C deficiency and acute infectious mononucleosis. European Journal of Pediatrics 2008;167:1449-1452.
Tenenbaum T, Papandreou T, Gellrich D, Friedrichs U, Seibt A, Adam R, Wewer C, Galla HJ, Schwerk C, Schroten H. Polar bacterial invasion and translocation of Streptococcus suis across the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier in vitro. Cellular Microbiology 2009;11:323-336.
Jung C, A. Matzke, H.H. Niemann, C. Schwerk, T. Tenenbaum, Orian-Rousseau V. Involvement of CD44v6 in InlB-dependent Listeria invasion. Molecular Microbiology 2009;72:1196-1207.
Stuck B.A., J.P. Windfuhr, H. Genzwürker, H. Schroten, T. Tenenbaum, K. Götte. Tonsillectomy in Children. Deutsches Ärzteblatt 2008; 105: 852-860.
Weinspach S., T. Tenenbaum, S. Schoenberger, J. Schaper, R. Engers, J Rueggeberg, C. R. MacKenzie, A. Wolf, E. Mayatepek, H. Schroten. Cat scratch disease – heterogeneous in clinical presentation: Five unusual cases of an infection caused by Bartonella henselae. Klinische Pädiatrie. 2010;222:73-78.
Schenk S., A .Petzold, M. Hoehne, R. Adam, H. Schroten, T. Tenenbaum. Severe gastroenteritis with secondary fever in a 10-month-old boy. Journal of Clinical Virology 2010;47:10710-9.
Karremann M., B. Lange, K. Zahn, E. Neumaier-Probst, S.C. Kunze, B. Lettgen, T. Tenenbaum. From Congenital Dermal Sinus Tract to Extensive Epidural Abscess of the Spine. Klinische Pädiatrie 2010 Mar 18
Schwerk C., K. Rybarczyk, F. Essmann, A. Seibt, M.L. Mölleken, P. Zeni, H. Schroten, T. Tenenbaum. TNFalpha induces choroid plexus epithelial cell barrier alterations by apoptotic and nonapoptotic mechanisms. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology 2010;2010:307231.
Franz A., O. Adams, R. Willems, L. Bonzel, N. Neuhausen, S. Schweizer-Krantz, J.U. Ruggeberg, R. Willers, B. Henrich, H. Schroten, T. Tenenbaum. Correlation of viral load of respiratory pathogens and co-infections with disease severity in children hospitalized for lower respiratory tract infection. Journal of Clinical Virology 2010; 48:239-45.
Wolff M., S. Demirakca, A.K. Kilian, H. Schroten, T. Tenenbaum. Laryngo-Tracheal Displacement and Respiratory Distress in an Infant with Congenital Thymic Hyperplasia ISRN Pulmonology 2011, Article ID 659103.
Schroten H., T. Tenenbaum. Bakterielle Pneumonien. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 2011;159:208–216.
Buchholz B, Hien S, Weichert S, Tenenbaum T. Pediatric aspects of HIV1-infection–an overview. Minerva Pediatrica. 2010 Aug;62(4):371-87.
Wewer C., A. Seibt, H. Wolburg, L. Greune, M.A. Schmidt, J. Berger, H.J. Galla, U. Quitsch, C. Schwerk, H. Schroten, T. Tenenbaum. Transcellular migration of neutrophil granulocytes through the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier after infection with Streptococcus suis. Journal of Neuroinflammation 2011;8:51.
Schwerk C., R. Adam, J. Borkowski, H. Schneider, M. Klenk, S. Zink, N. Quednau, N. Schmidt, C. Stump, A. Sagar, B. Spellerberg, T. Tenenbaum, D. Koczan, L. Klein-Hitpass, H. Schroten. In vitro transcriptome analysis of porcine choroid plexus epithelial cells in response to Streptococcus suis: release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Microbes and Infection 2011; 13:953-62.
von Kries R, Weiss S, Falkenhorst G, Wirth S, Kaiser P, Huppertz HI, Tenenbaum T, Schroten H, Streng A, Liese J, Shai S, Niehues T, Girschick H, Kuscher E, Sauerbrey A, Peters J, Wirsing von König CH, Rückinger S, Hampl W, Michel D, Mertens T. Post-Pandemic Seroprevalence of Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Infection (Swine Flu) among Children <18 Years in Germany. PLoS ONE. 2011;6 (9):e23955.
Schwerk C., T. Papandreou, D. Schuhmann, L. Nickol, J. Borkowski, U. Steinmann, N. Quednau, C. Stump, C. Weiss, J. Berger, H. Wolburg, H. Claus, U. Vogel, H. Ishikawa, T. Tenenbaum*, H. Schroten*. Polar Invasion and Translocation of Neisseria meningitidis and Streptococcus suis in a Novel Human Model of the Blood-Cerebrospinal Fluid Barrier. PLoS ONE 2012;7(1): e30069. *shared senior authorship
Schneider H, G. Geginat, M. Hogardt, A. Kramer, M. Dürken, H. Schroten, T. Tenenbaum. Pseudomonas aeruginosa outbreak in a pediatric oncology care unit caused by an errant water jet into contaminated siphons. Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal 2012;31:648-650
Freudenstein F, Reinshagen K, Petzold P, Debus A, Schroten H, Tenenbaum T. Ultra late onset group B streptococcal sepsis with acute renal failure in a child with urethral obstruction: a case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2012; 6:68.
Weichert S, Reinshagen K, Zahn K, Geginat G, Dietz A, Kilian AK, Schroten H, Tenenbaum T. Candidiasis caused by Candida kefyr in a neonate: case report. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2012 18;12:61.
Wittig M, Fischer M, Baur MO, Kristina Kilian A, Tenenbaum T. A newborn infant with sepsis-like clinical picture and petechial bleeding (Case Presentation). Acta Paediatrica. 2012;101:685-6.
Wittig M, Fischer M, Baur MO, Kilian AK, Tenenbaum T. A newborn infant with sepsis-like clinical picture and petechial bleeding (Discussion and Diagnosis). Acta Paediatrica. 2012;101:792-3.
Schroten M, Hanisch FG, Quednau N, Stump C, Riebe R, Lenk M, Wolburg H, Tenenbaum T, Schwerk C. A novel porcine in vitro model of the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier with strong barrier function. PLoS One. 2012;7:e39835.
Tenenbaum T, Franz A, Neuhausen N, Willems R, Brade J, Schweitzer-Krantz S, Adams O, Schroten H, Henrich B. Clinical characteristics of children with lower respiratory tract infections are dependent on the carriage of specific pathogens in the nasopharynx. European Jounal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2012; 31:3173-82
Schneider H, Weber CE, Schoeller J, Steinmann U, Borkowski J, Ishikawa H, Findeisen P, Adams O, Doerries R, Schwerk C, Schroten H, Tenenbaum T. Chemotaxis of T-cells after infection of human choroid plexus papilloma cells with echovirus 30 in an in vitro model of the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier. Virus research 2012;170:66-74.
Schneider H, Weber CE, Hellwig K, Schroten H, Tenenbaum T. Natalizumab-treatment during pregnancy – effects on the neonatal immune system. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. 2013;127:e1-4.
Schneider H, Adams O, Weiss C, Merz U, Schroten H, Tenenbaum T. Clinical Characteristics of Children with Viral Single- and Co-Infections and a Petechial Rash. Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal 2012 Epub Dec 17.
Steinmann U, Borkowski J, Wolburg H, Schröppel B, Findeisen P, Weiss C, Ishikawa H, Schwerk C, Schroten H, Tenenbaum T. Transmigration of polymorphnuclear neutrophils and monocytes through the human blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier after bacterial infection in vitro. Journal of Neuroinflammation 2013 Feb 28;10:31
Dehmel M, Demirakca S, Jordan A, Dahlheim M, Diehm T, Schroten H, Tenenbaum T. Pneumomediastinum and Subcutaneus Emphysema – an Uncommon Presentation of Respiratory-Syncytial Virus Infection in an Infant. Dehmel M, Demirakca S, Jordan A, Klinische Pädiatrie. 2013 Epub Mar 21
Simon A, Tenenbaum T. Surveillance of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative pathogens in high-risk neonates–does it make a difference? Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal. 2013;32:407-9
Baumann S, Kuchler F, Reinwald M, Tenenbaum T, Härtel N, Hofmann WK, Buchheidt D. Hodgkin’s lymphoma in a patient with cystic fibrosis: a clinical challenge. Annals in Hematology. 2013;92:571-2.
Gründler T, Quednau N, Stump C, Orian-Rousseau V, Ishikawa H, Wolburg H, Schroten H, Tenenbaum T, Schwerk C. The surface proteins InlA and InlB are interdependently required for polar basolateral invasion by Listeria monocytogenes in a human model of the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier. Microbes and Infection. 2013; 15:291-301.
Krumbholz A, Neubert A, Girschick H, Huppertz HI, Kaiser P, Liese J, Streng A, Niehues T, Peters J, Sauerbrey A, Schroten H, Tenenbaum T, Wirth S, Sauerbrei A. Prevalence of antibodies against hepatitis A virus among children and adolescents in Germany. Medical Microbiology and Immunology 2013;202:417-24
Krumbholz A, Neubert A, Joel S, Girschick H, Huppertz HI, Kaiser P, Liese J, Streng A, Niehues T, Peters J, Sauerbrey A, Schroten H, Tenenbaum T, Wirth S, Zell R, Sauerbrei A. Prevalence of Hepatitis E Virus Antibodies in Children in Germany. Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal. 2014;33:258-62.
Jordan AJ, Becker KP, Sertemir M, Neff KW, Adam R, Schroten H, Tenenbaum T. Multiple aseptic splenic abscesses in a 15 year old patient. BMC Gastroenterology 2014 Feb 6;14:20
Sauerbrei A, Langenhan T, Brandstadt A, Schmidt-Ott R, Krumbholz A, Girschick H, Huppertz H, Kaiser P, Liese J, Streng A, Niehues T, Peters J, Sauerbrey A, Schroten H, Tenenbaum T, Wirth S, Wutzler P. Prevalence of antibodies against influenza A and B viruses in children in Germany, 2008 to 2010. Euro Surveillance. 2014 Feb 6;19(5)
Segura M, Zheng H, de Greeff A, Gao GF, Grenier D, Jiang Y, Lu C, Maskell D, Oishi K, Okura M, Osawa R, Schultsz C, Schwerk C, Sekizaki T, Smith H, Srimanote P, Takamatsu D, Tang J, Tenenbaum T, Tharavichitkul P, Hoa NT, Valentin-Weigand P, Wells JM, Wertheim H, Zhu B, Gottschalk M, Xu J. Latest developments on Streptococcus suis: an emerging zoonotic pathogen: part 1. Future Microbiology. 2014;9(4):441-4.
Haghikia A, Langer-Gould A, Rellensmann G, Schneider H, Tenenbaum T, Elias-Hamp B, Menck S, Zimmermann J, Herbstritt S, Marziniak M, Kümpfel T, Meinl I, Plavina T, Gold R, Hellwig K. Natalizumab use during the third trimester of pregnancy. JAMA Neurology 2014 Jul 1;71(7):891-5.
Segura M, Zheng H, de Greeff A, Gao GF, Grenier D, Jiang Y, Lu C, Maskell D, Oishi K, Okura M, Osawa R, Schultsz C, Schwerk C, Sekizaki T, Smith H, Srimanote P, Takamatsu D, Tang J, Tenenbaum T, Tharavichitkul P, Hoa NT, Valentin-Weigand P, Wells JM, Wertheim H, Zhu B, Xu J, Gottschalk M. Latest developments on Streptococcus suis: an emerging zoonotic pathogen: part 2. Future Microbiology 2014;9(5):587-91
Adams O, Weis J, Jasinska K, Vogel M, Tenenbaum T. Comparison of human metapneumovirus, respiratory syncytial virus and Rhinovirus respiratory tract infections in young children admitted to hospital. Journal of Medical Virology 2015 Feb;87(2):275-80
Borkowski J, Li L, Steinmann U, Quednau N, Stump-Guthier C, Weiss C, Findeisen P, Gretz N, Ishikawa H, Tenenbaum T, Schroten H, Schwerk C. Neisseria meningitidis elicits a pro-inflammatory response involving IκBζ in a human blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier model. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 2014 Sep 13;11:163.
Asmat TM, Tenenbaum T, Jonsson AB, Schwerk C, Schroten H. Impact of calcium signaling during infection of Neisseria meningitidis to human brain microvascular endothelial cells. PLoS One. 2014 Dec 2;9(12):e114474.
Schwerk C, Tenenbaum T, Kim KS, Schroten H. The choroid plexus-a multi-role player during infectious diseases of the CNS. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 2015 Mar 12;9:80.
Vogel M, Grund S, Pandey S, Mayatepek E, Schroten H, Tenenbaum T, Adams O. What We Have Learned of the Influenza A pH1N1 2009/10 pandemic: High Clinical Impact of Human Metapneumovirus and Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Hospitalized Pediatric Patients. Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2016 Jan 21;69(1):6-11
Tenenbaum T, Nissen J, Schroten H. Severe upper extremity dysfunction after 4CMenB vaccination in a young infant. Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal. 2016 Jan;35(1):94-6.
Kowalzik F, Zepp F, Hoffmann I, Binder H, Lautz D, van Ewijk R, Knuf M, Tenenbaum T, Laass M, Reuter T, Schulze-Rath R, Marron M. Disease Burden of Rotavirus Gastroenteritis in Children Residing in Germany: A Retrospective, Hospital-based Surveillance. Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal. 2016 Jan;35(1):97-103
Hellenbrand W, Koch J, Harder T, Bogdan C, Heininger U, Tenenbaum T, Terhardt M, Vogel U, Wichmann O, von Kries R. Background Paper for the update of meningococcal vaccination recommendations in Germany: use of the serogroup B vaccine in persons at increased risk for meningococcal disease. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz. 2015 Nov;58(11-12):1314-43
Vandenhaute E, Stump-Guthier C, Lasierra Losada M, Tenenbaum T, Rudolph H, Ishikawa H, Schwerk C, Schroten H, Dürken M, März M, Karremann M. The choroid plexus may be an underestimated site of tumor invasion to the brain: an in vitro study using neuroblastoma cell lines. Cancer Cell International. 2015 Oct 24;15:102.
Oberle D, Pavel J, Rieck T, Weichert S, Schroten H, Keller-Stanislawski B, Tenenbaum T. Anaphylaxis Following Immunization of Children and Adolescents in Germany. Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal. 2016 Feb 1
Rudolph H, Schroten H, Tenenbaum T. Enterovirus infections of the central nervous system in children – an update. Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal. 2016 Feb 9